About Colorado Hemp Works
We’re a growing Colorado company looking to advance the industrial hemp revolution in the United States. Our focus is hemp grain. We love this seed for its amazing versatility and nutritional value, and we’re excited to be part of a healthy and sustainable industry.

What Is Hemp Grain?

Hemp is simultaneously the most nutritious and most multipurpose plant in the world. It contains none-to-trace levels of THC, the chemical commonly associated with marijuana, and has no psychotropic effects. In recent decades, blatant mischaracterization pushed hemp out of our foods, textiles, plastics, fuels, and much more. It’s easy to make a case for re-introduction.
As one of the first cultivated crops in human history, hemp proved its versatility and hardiness. Biodiversity friendly, hemp grows quickly without any need for herbicides and produces its own natural pesticides. At the end of its life cycle, the whole plant can be used for various purposes, generating a sustainable, ecological harvest with a plethora of benefits.
The hemp seed in particular is the perfect trifecta:
- Hemp seeds contain 25% to 30% protein with the full spectrum of 20 amino acids, including the eight essential for human diets.
- Hemp seeds carry the optimal 3:1 ratio of omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids, making it unique compared to all other plant oils. In particular, hemp is high in linoleic acid, alpha-linoleic acid, and gamma linolenic acid (GLA) – all essential to human health.
- Hemp seeds are also loaded with soluble and insoluble fiber – both necessary for digestive health and feeling fuller longer.
Hemp products are 100% vegan and naturally allergen free. They contain no genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and act as the perfect replacement for mainstream grain. In short, there is no excuse for hemp seeds to be missing from American diets. Let’s work together to promote a healthy, sustainable food future!